Sign and Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sign & Symptoms of Diabetes

People can often have diabetes and be completely unaware. Main reason for this is that the symptoms, when seen on their own, seem harmless. The earlier diabetes is diagnosed the greater the chances are that serious complication that can result from having diabetes mellitus can be avoided. Many of the signs of Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes are same. In both, there is too much glucose in the blood and not enough in the cells of body. High glucose levels in Type 1 diabetes are due to a lack of insulin because the insulin producing cell has been destroyed and type 2 diabetes occurs when the body's cell become resistant to insulin that is being produced. So, cell isn't getting the glucose that they need, and body is not giving these signs and symptoms.

A list of the most common diabetes symptoms are given below
  • Frequent urination
    If there is too much glucose (sugar) in blood,
    often urination will  be more in patient . If insulin is ineffective, or not there at all, kidneys cannot filter the glucose back into the blood. The kidneys will take water from blood in order to dilute the glucose, which in turn fills up bladder. 
  • Disproportionate thirst
    If urination will be more than usual, patient will need to replace that lost liquid. He or she will be drinking more than usual.
  • Intense hunger
    As the insulin in blood is not working properly, or is not there at all, and cell are not getting their energy, body may react by trying to find more energy from food. Patient will become hungry.
  • Weight gain
    Patient may become overweight. This might be the result of the above symptoms. (intense hunger). 
  • Unusual weight loss
    This is more common among people with  Type 1 Diabetes. As body is not making insulin it will seek out another energy source. As a result, muscle tissue and fat will be broken down for energy. Weight loss is more noticeable with type 1 Diabetes.
  • Increased Weakness and Fatigue
    Glucose from the food we eat travels into the bloodstream where insulin is supposed to help it transition into the cell of our body. These cell use it to produce the energy we need to live. And when the insulin isn't there or if the cell don't react to it anymore, glucose will not be entering cells and providing them with energy. Then the glucose stays outside the cell in the bloodstream. As a result, cell become energy starved and patient feel tired and run down.
  • Irritability
    Due to lack of energy, irritability can be caused.
  • Blurred vision
    This can be caused by tissue being pulled from eye lens. This affects eyes' ability to focus. And there are severe cases where blindness or prolonged vision problems can occur.
  • Cuts and bruises that don't heal quickly or properly
    When there is more sugar (glucose) in body, its ability to heal can be undermined. Cuts and bruises take a much longer time than usual to heal.
  • More skin and/or yeast infections
    When there is more sugar in body, its ability to recover from infections is affected. The women with diabetes find it especially difficult to recover from bladder and vaginal infections.
  • Itchy skin
    A feeling of itchiness on skin is sometimes a symptoms of diabetes.
  • Red and swollen Gums
    If gums are tender, red and/or swollen this could be a sign of diabetes. Teeth could become loose as the gums pull away from them.
  • Sexual dysfunction among men
    Patient’s over 50 and experience frequent or constant sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction), this could be a symptoms of diabetes.
  • Numbness or tingling, especially in your feet and hands
    If there is too much sugar in body, nerves could become damaged, as could the tiny blood vessels that feed those nerves.
    This symptoms are called neuropathy. This occurs gradually over time as consistently high glucose in the blood damages the nervous system. Nerve damage can creep up without our knowledge. Patient may experience tingling and/or numbness in hands and feet.

Sign & Symptoms of Diabetes in different parts of the body

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